Of course this little squirrel was so shy I never actually got to see it. Imagine my shock then when one day I noticed this adorable little ball of grey fluff on the bird table. I was so excited to finally see the squirrel I had been feeding for weeks that I dashed to get my camera.
I took a few snaps then attempted to get closer. I was delighted that I was able to get halfway down the garden to get some shots of the little furball. I was somewhat less delighted when I uploaded the photos to my PC. Here are a couple of the photos I took that day.
and over the next couple of days I took these images of the hapless creature.
I hate to see animals suffer and these injuries really looked bad. There was no chance of catching the squirrel and getting it to a vet so I just made sure there was food and water there for it and kept my fingers crossed.
Find out what happened to the squirrel in part 2 of the tale of Horatio the squirrel coming soon.