Thursday 9 September 2010

My carnations are blooming in September!

Went out into the garden this morning as usual to check the crops and found that a couple of my carnations are flowering again. They had all finished during all the unseasonally harsh wind and rain that we have had but now apparently a couple of them have decided to flower again.

These carnations really do get better with age. They are now in their second year and have produced much earlier than they did in their first year and there were many more flowers.

I do find that they are the most difficult flower to photograph. Not sure what it is about them that makes them look awful in almost every photo I take.

Here are some products I made with my best carnation flower photos to date. I guess now mine are having a second flurry of activity I should get out there and try again to photograph these beautiful flowers!


  1. Hi, I am new to photography. I am still at the beginner's level.

    Your flowers are so amazing and beautiful!!!! I hope I will learn some day how to take pictures like this....

  2. Kaya I have a very good camera, an olympus sp570UZ, it takes really detailed pictures in macro mode. I am a bit short sighted so when I put my photos on the computer I see them in a way that I wouldn't otherwise see them.
    A good camera is the best start you can get. I am not expert enough to know how to get all the settings perfect. I mainly use the Auto mode and the camera does the work. I do try new things with the camera. I find when I just play about with things I learn best.
