Saturday 14 August 2010

Hoverflies do not sting and 7 other facts

It is not always easy to tell the difference between a hoverfly (flower fly) and a bee or wasp. There are so many different species of hoverfly and this variety of shapes and sizes adds to the confusion.

I am by no means an expert on these little insects but here are a few things I do know about these fascinating creatures.

1. They do NOT sting

2. They are actually classed as flies, rather than wasps or bees.

3. Many of their larvae feed on annoying bugs like aphids, thus helping the gardener with pest control

4. The larvae form a sort of transparent chrysalis where they change into the adult hoverfly

5. Hoverflies only have one pair of wings, Bees and Wasps have two

6. Adult Hoverflies feed on nectar

7. They pollinate some types of crops and certain tree species

8. They mimic wasps and bees to deter predators from eating them

I had the good fortune to see an enormous Hoverfly on a Buddleia bush near where I live. It was such an impressive creature that I rushed back home to get my camera. Luckily when I got back it was still there and I got my photo.

I also photograph the smaller species that come into my garden. They spend more time hovering about than actually landing on a flower, making them very tricky to photograph. I also look out for their larvae in the hope they will keep pests off my crops.

The larvae are nothing like the adults. Here is a close-up that I took of a Hoverfly larvae recently.

and below are some hoverfly products available from my store

Hoverfly Greeting Card card
Hoverfly Greeting Card by Fallen_Angel_483
Shop for a different card on